Candidata-te Agora!

Concurso 2025

Na sua 2.ª edição, o Cascais Ópera recebeu 340 candidaturas provenientes de 39 nacionalidades diferentes. Destes, 44 cantores foram selecionados para competir ao vivo em Portugal.

Concorrentes Selecionados

Ana Rita Coelho Portugal Mezzo 30

Anna Tetruashvili Israel Mezzo 27

Artem Akimov Rússia Barítono 30

Barbara Skora Polónia Mezzo 26

Beatriz Miranda Portugal Mezzo 32

David Goldberg Israel Tenor 29

Defne Celik Alemanha Soprano 21

Ester Ferraro Itália Mezzo, Alto 30

Fleuranne Brockway Austrália Mezzo 30

Gaeun Song Coreia do Sul Soprano 25

Génesis Beatriz López Da Silva Portugal Mezzo 31

Han Seong Yun Coreia do Sul Baixo 29

Iris Candelaria Finlândia Soprano 29

JaeWoung Lee Coreia do Sul Baixo 31

Jean Miannay França Tenor 29

Ju Hyeok Lee Coreia do Sul Tenor 32

Juliana Macedo Portugal Soprano 24

Juliane Stolzenbach Ramos Portugal Soprano 30

Konstantin Fedotov Rússia Baixo 28

Kyrylo Krasnykov Ucrânia Tenor 29

Laura Brasó Espanha Soprano 29

Liam James Karai Irlanda Baixo, Barítono 26

Lin Fan China Baixo, Barítono 23

Lina Tsiklauri Geórgia Soprano 29

Lucy Altus Estados Unidos da América Mezzo 25

Madalena Oliveira Martins Portugal Soprano 25

Manhan Qi China Soprano 26

Maria Koroleva Rússia Soprano 30

Marta Martins Portugal Soprano 31

Maya Gour Israel Mezzo 32

Mengying Jia China Mezzo 26

Oksana Pynchuk Ucrânia Soprano 28

Rahel Brede Alemanha Mezzo 30

Rebecca Manseau Estados Unidos da América Soprano 32

Rosalind Dobson Reino Unido Soprano 30

Sehyun Kyung Coreia do Sul Tenor 31

Sergei Morozov Rússia Baixo 31

Simon Antakov Rússia Barítono 27

Soraya Méncid Espanha Soprano 31

Sunu Sun Coreia do Sul Barítono 29

Susanne Veeh Alemanha Mezzo 28

Tigran Ohanyan Arménia Tenor 30

Viktor Aksentijević Sérvia Barítono 29

WenBo Shuai China Contratenor 24

Cascais ópera

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Over the past three decades, primarily in London, Portugal and Amsterdam, Dr Jorge Balça
has developed a strong portfolio of work and a unique combination of skillsets – as a stage
director (of theatre, opera, and hybrid forms), a teacher and workshop leader, a presentation
skills, acting and creativity coach, and practice-based researcher. His work in all these
domains is distinguished by his commitment to and skill in making fantasy and invention
emerge from precise knowledge and training – and by his ability to inspire a similar alchemy
in his collaborators.

Classically trained as an actor and countertenor, he studied theatre directing in London and
Moscow, specialising in Shakespeare, techniques of adaptation, Meyerhold and commedia
dell’arte. Jorge also holds a PhD exploring the dramatic training of opera performers.
With a love for site-specific projects and collaborative forms, and an equal flair for comedy
and drama, his work is dramaturgically inventive, visually striking, and physically engaged.
He was the artistic director of Bloomsbury Opera and associate director of The Opera
Makers, both in London. In Portugal, he has recently directed L’Heure Espagnole and The
Turn of the Screw at Centro Cultural de Belém, and Don Giovanni and La Voix Humaine at
Festival de Ópera de Óbidos.

Jorge is committed to his work as a teacher, having taught at the Dutch National Opera
Academy, Morley College London, Universidade de Évora and other institutions. He
maintains an international coaching private practice and is the acting coach at the Neil
Semer Vocal Institute in Italy.

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